Action for M.E. (AfME) publish Forward-ME’s Statement on the Covid-19 Vaccine for people with ME/CFS.
Plus Covid-19 news for all Worcestershire residents.
Free Leaflet: Covid-19 Vaccine Update Options, eligibility, safety and ME/CFS - what we know so far. Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, of the ME Association explains in detail the latest situations. This three page free leaflet will be updated as the situation continues to develop. Discussions include -
- Covid-19 vaccination priority and ME/CFS
- The safety of the Covid vaccines in general
- The safety of the Covid vaccines for people with ME/CFS
- Vaccine administration practicalities
- Making a decision whether to have the vaccine
MEA Monthly Poll: Will you have the COVID-19 vaccine?
The MEA ask if you are going to have a Covid-19 vaccine when it is made available to you.
As well as taking part in the poll, the MEA would like to hear from anyone with ME/CFS who has had a COVID-19 vaccine:
- Why did you receive the vaccine at this time?
- How did you feel after the inoculation?
- Did you experience any discomfort?
- Did you experience any side effects that might have included an exacerbation of your ME/CFS symptoms?
Joint charity statement on Covid-19 vaccine.
published by Action for M.E.
Many people with M.E. have contacted Action for M.E. and other M.E. charities for information about the Covid-19 vaccine. We thought it would be helpful to have an aligned position across charities to avoid adding to any confusion and anxiety about having the vaccine.
The 25% M.E. Group, Action for M.E. and the ME Association have collaborated to agree a joint statement for Forward ME, the coalition of charities led by the Countess of Mar. You can also read it on our vaccine information page. In summary:
- We have no data from clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccines specifically relating to M.E./CFS.
- This means that vaccination must be an individual decision based on a clear understanding of the risks and benefits associated with it.
- While it is possible there might be a minor reaction to the vaccine, this will almost certainly be much less severe than catching Covid 19 itself, particularly for those severely affected.
- Potential risks associated with having the Covid-19 vaccine include exacerbation of symptoms and, for a very small number of people, an allergic reaction.
A person eligible to book a free NHS coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine received a letter (below) plus ‘A Guide for Older Adults’ leaflet.
The Government’s COVID-19 vaccination Guidance is available online, plus the leaflet is downloadable.
For further Government information on the COVID-19 vaccination please visit:

NHS coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine letter for older adults (text) |
information now includes links to
Dr Kathryn Cobain, the Director for Public Health in Worcestershire’s message published on 5th January 2021, included -
Worcestershire’s infection rates are at the highest we have ever seen. I am concerned about this level of spread, and the risk it poses to our health and the lives of our vulnerable and elderly residents. We need to act now to protect one another, prevent the virus spreading further and reduce the demand on our hospitals.
Please now stay at home, don’t go out unless you need to, for example to buy food or collect medicines. The Government has set out the clear limitations of the lockdown and I ask you to read the restrictions and follow the rules. You can read a full explanation of all the restrictions on the government’s website;
Once again, Worcestershire County Council’s Here2Help service is available to anyone who needs support or is clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding). If you have no-one to turn to for help, our service can respond and provide help such as collecting medicines and getting shopping. You can reach the Here2Help service online
If you are on the Government’s shielding list, you will be receiving guidance about what to do now. It is key that you socially distance, and you reduce your physical contact with others. The governments webpages are updated regularly and you can read detailed guidance on shielding their website.
For further information on the Covid-19 vaccinations see our latest Covid-19 vaccine information and, also see the flu vaccine information. generally, see. Plus, for news on Coronavirus (Covid-19) specifically for people affected by ME/CFS see further posts on the blog.
Take care, and stay safe everyone.
• Action for ME • Coronavirus (COVID 19) • Forward ME • Local News • M.E. Association • Worcestershire • Worcestershire County Council