The ME Association, #MEActionUK, Action for ME and The ME Trust, jointly produced a parliamentary briefing for use by MPs in the debate. This briefing is intended as a comprehensive resource for MPs, to provide any extra information required to supplement the concerns raised by their constituents.
Encourage your MP to attend - forward the Parliamentary Briefing, and describe how you are affected by M.E. Scroll down here for all Worcestershire MPs’ contact information.
Further information from -
UK: Urge your MP to attend the 21st June debate on ME.
The ME Association:-
Carol Monaghan and other MPs secure Westminster Hall debate on M.E. | 07 June 2018.
NICE decides to Fully Update its guideline on ME/CFS! | 20 September 2017
Action for ME:-
Westminster treatment and research debate confirmed. -
The Canary
An MP is calling for a debate into one of the ‘biggest medical scandals’ of the 21st century.
The truth about NHS research funding that should shame the government.