The ME Association (MEA) has updated their information and guidance on all aspects of flu vaccination in relation to ME/CFS and it is now available as a free 5-page leaflet.
The MEA’s recent article explains the ME Association Leaflet: The Flu and Pneumonia Vaccines 2020 - 2021 & Website Poll of Flu Vaccine Reactions in ME/CFS. The MEA state they have included further information in relation to COVID-19 - as catching the flu and COVID-19 would be very nasty combination of infections especially if you have ME/CFS. The leaflet also provides information on how to get a flu vaccine, if you choose to have one, from both your GP and from high street pharmacies.
Plus, it also contains information on the pneumococcal vaccine used to protect against pneumonia - which is often given with the flu vaccine if you are over 65 for example.
Topics discussed in this leaflet, include:
- Covid-19 and flu vaccinations this year
- The science behind flu viruses and vaccines
- The 2020-2021 flu vaccine
- Do people with M.E. meet NHS criteria for a free flu vaccine?
- Who should have the flu vaccination?
- Key points in favour of the vaccine if you have M.E.
- Key points where caution is required if you have M.E.
- Where to have the flu jab
- Reducing the risk of catching flu virus and passing it on to others
- Research into flu vaccines and M.E.
- Pneumococcal Vaccination (Pneumonia)
MEA Website Poll -
Have you had a flu vaccination either this year, or within the past five years? If so, what effect did this have on your ME symptoms? The MEA felt it would be useful to update their patient evidence on what effect flu vaccine has on people with ME/CFS as the last time they did a full survey was in 2008. The Website Poll is located in the right-hand margin of the website.
Action for ME’s (AfME) recent article - Learn more about the winter flu jab.
October 01, 2020
If you’re unsure about what events this year have meant for getting your flu vaccine this winter, consider checking out our 'Winter flu jab' page on our website setting out information on the subject.
This AfME resource sets out information on: what the flu is; where you can pay for a vaccination; the safety of the flu jab; research into the flu jab and M.E., and who is eligible for a free flu vaccination. We hope this helps people with M.E. to make an informed decision on having the vaccine this winter.
Dr Gregor Purdie, our Medical Advisor, says:
“It is vitally important this year to protect ourselves as fully as we can. Protecting ourselves protects others and thus the health of the community. Cutting down on flu means that resources to support Covid are not compromised by also having to treat flu as well.”
AfME’s Winter Flu Jab page sets out information about the flu and the flu vaccine so people with M.E. can make an informed decision about whether or not to have the vaccine this winter. It includes information about:
- what the flu is
- where you can pay for a vaccination
- the safety of the flu jab
- research into the flu jab and M.E.
- who is eligible for a free flu vaccination
Further information is available in our Flu Vaccine Information blog last month.
• Action for ME • M.E. Association • N.H.S.