National Institute for Health and Care Excellence announcement last November.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management.
NICE draft guidance addresses the continuing debate about the best approach to the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS.
NICE has today (10 November 2020) published its draft updated guideline on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
The Times article highlighted on the ME Association website on 17 August.
Disputed therapies for myalgic encephalomyelitis abandoned - Times Article
Sean O’Neill Tuesday,
The Times has an article covering the new NICE guidelines on ME/CFS and states that GET and CBT will no longer be recommended as a treatment to Doctors. The article covers NICE's view that the research used to promote these treatments were flawed.
The full article is available here (paywall).
Doctors will be told this week to stop recommending two controversial treatments for the debilitating condition myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in a move which will provoke an angry backlash from the medical profession.
The guidelines will also emphasise the importance of early diagnosis, doctors believing their patients and better access to disability aids, including blue badges for motorists with ME.
Nice’s fresh analysis of dozens of clinical trials which claimed success for the use of the therapies has judged them as being of “low” or “very low” quality.
Forward-ME Statement
Position Statement (2021 NICE Guideline Update).
2021 NICE Guideline Update on Treatment and Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
(Forward-ME was established as a coordinating body to provide a unified and perhaps louder voice for the ME community to reach key influencers and stakeholders - government, medical bodies etc.)
Action for ME’s recent article - "NICE guideline for M.E.: three weeks to go"
July 26, 2021. With just three weeks until the new NICE Guideline is published we are aware that many people with M.E./CFS may be feeling anxious about what is included.
Since its consultation on the draft guideline in December 2020, the Guideline Development Committee has been reviewing and considering the responses. As a stakeholder, we will receive an embargoed copy slightly before the publication date of Wednesday 18 August. We will use this opportunity to produce easy to understand simple summaries of key information in the guideline.
Our Information and Support Service are here if you need support in speaking to your GP about the new Guideline. You can reach them at [email protected] or on 0117 927 9551
ME Association recent NICE Development articles
BMJ article about NICE Committee Resignations.
August 4, 2021. The BMJ reports 3 members of the NICE guideline committee have left the group just before publication of the final set of guidelines for the treatment of ME/CFS. This is in addition to Dr Charles Shepherd leaving the group a few days ago due to conflicts of interest – see article here.
MEA statement re the development of the new NICE guideline on ME/CFS.
August 2, 2021. Dr Charles Shepherd stands down from the NICE guideline committee with immediate effect.
• Action for ME • Forward ME • M.E. Association
• National Newspapers • N.I.C.E.