News Archive 2010 Please note that HMV is no longer available through our store. The other shops listed on this page are still available.
Correction to Yvette Cooper's interview in the Guardian
(interview in the Guardian on 4th December 2010) Group collections for ME Research UK (MERUK).
Pauline & Mike Pearson and Warwick Davis organised the 2010 Group collections for ME Research UK (MERUK). Many thanks to everyone who supported them. A total of £566 has been sent to MERUK - £310 was collected at Becketts Farm, Wythall on Saturday 29 May, £156 at Evesham Countryside Centre on Thursday 3 June, and £100 at St Peters Garden Centre, Worcester, on Wednesday 24 November.
There were also collections for MERUK in 2008 and 2009. A Brave Medical Life: The Founder of Homeopathy - on BBC iplayer for 7 days from 10 December.
This programme marks the two hundredth anniversary of the publication of homeopathy's founding text 'Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Rational Medicine'. Hahnemann renounced being a doctor for a time because he felt he did more harm than good. What was to become homeopathy developed from his insistence that medicines be tested before they were used, and even its opponents recognise Hahnemann's significance in the history of pharmacology and therapeutics. Mark Whitaker examines Hahnemann's arguments questions how useful the distinction between 'mainstream' and 'alternative' is for understanding the history of western medicine. (From BBC website) Red Riding Hood, from 21 to 29 January, at Stourport Civic Centre.
Have a look at their website: or phone 01299 825170 (between 1 - 22 Dec, please ring 01886 888158) Please tell your friends about the Stourport Monday Night Group. This Group donates all their profits to local causes, and last year we received £250.00 for our group funds. Please support your local pantomime by telling your friends. Dr Charles Shepherd interview transcript
ME Association medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd was interviewed on BBC Radio Berkshire on November 10, 2010 during the Anne Diamond Show. A transcript is on the ME Association website. Waitrose's Malvern store will be supporting Worcestershire M.E. Support Group In November through 'Waitrose Community Matters fundraising scheme for local good causes'
Every time you shop in the Malvern store during November you will get a chance to support the group through a share of £1000. This will be donated between 3 good causes in proportion to the number of tokens that shoppers choose to place in the 3 charity boxes. Please remember to ask for a token if you are not offered one. If you have friends/relatives who are likely to shop at Malvern's Waitrose, please let them know. Also, if you have any way of publicising this in the Malvern area, please do so - contact us if you need any leaflets/posters. If we have plenty of publicity in Malvern at the moment this could mean more customers are likely to donate their 'token' to us. 10.2010 BBC Radio 4: The Report - available through iplayer or podcast. (Copy of Podcast saved by the group.)
From Thu 12 August: Mukul Devichand investigates how people on benefits will be reclassified as 'fit to work'. BBC Radio 4: You and Yours - available through iplayer (Still Available as of 12.12.2010) From Mon 9 August: Julian Worricker talks to the man charged with reviewing the Government's new "fit to work" test which may be failing legitimate benefit claimants. Members of parliament who have joined the APPG for ME
On Wednesday 7 July David Amess MP chaired the inaugural meeting in Westminster of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for M.E. A list of members is available from the M.E. Association website. They include: Harriett Baldwin MP (West Worcestershire), Sajid Javid MP (Bromsgrove) and Mark Garnier (Wyre Forest). 22.07.10 Delivery costs (for books, DVDs, CDs):
Amazon: free delivery (free Super Saver Delivery see note below). Exceptions: gift certificates and items purchased from third parties on Marketplace (unless marked as Fulfiled by Amazon). HMV: free delivery (Standard UK mail) - NOTE: No longer on Pickabook: delivery costs vary free delivery Sendit: free UK delivery The Hut: free UK delivery Waterstones: free UK delivery Zavii: free delivery (for the above the costs are as found on 13/08/10)
All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on ME’s Inquiry on NHS Service Provision for people with ME/CFS (The report was prepared by Countess of Mar, Peter Luff MP, Andrew Stunell MP, Des Turner MP and Tony Wright MP for Great Yarmouth.)
Many thanks to everyone who gave their input to the Inquiry in June 2009. Our group posted 435 patients questionnaires to our contacts, and we heard from 64 people confirming they had sent their form to the APPG Inquiry. The APPG Report (pdf file)(published in March 2010) states “In total, more than 400 responses were received”. Worcestershire patients made a substantial valuable contribution - thank you. Our Group submitted a response to the APPG on ME's Inquiry in June 2009, and we were invited to attend the Oral Hearing on 9 July. The Group's submission, and information at the Oral Hearing, gave patients and carers' experience - including information extracted from our support group's questionnaire - membership year September 2008 to August 2009. The NHS Worcestershire CFS/ME Service (part of the Herefordshire & Worcestershire CFS/ME Local Multi-Disciplinary Team (LMDT) responded to the Inquiry. This was in response to the APPG Inquiry's questionnaire on service provision sent to all PCTs in England and Wales. 2010.03 |