Speaker at Malvern Meeting Thursday 11th February 2016
Rebecca Edmonds, Clinical Hypnotherapist - link to 'About Me' page on her website. From Rebecca Edmonds: " I like to think that my talks are interesting and fun. I tend to include a short relaxation & visualisation exercise (everyone remains seated), so that the audience can begin to understand what clinical hypnotherapy is really about, and they can experience first hand how perfectly natural and safe the process is." 2015.11 Conference at Shrewsbury in October - with Dr Sarah Myhill
- organised by the Shropshire ME Group. For more information see our Special Events section. 2015.09 Meeting News - Following the Group AGM, the group will no longer hold meetings in Kidderminster or Pershore (the last meetings were in September 2015).
2015.09 Blog page
More news on the blog page - either see the links at the top right or the menu that drops down when you hover over 'News' on the main menu above. 2015.09 Group Meetings
Our group meetings resume this month, after the August break. Join us at Droitwich on Friday 4th, Pershore on Tuesday 8th, Worcester on Wednesday 9th, Malvern on Thursday 10th or Kidderminster on Wednesday 16th. Please read “How best should the Group continue?” - from our Group Chair, Ian Logan. If it continues as it is, more volunteers are needed - at the meetings and to help with admin and attend committee meetings. Do group members want so many meetings? Join the discussions during this month. 2015.09 Extra Group Lunch in August
All welcome on Wed 26 from 12:30pm at Rowberry's Garden Centre. Please see the list of group lunches. 2015.08 Group AGM
The group's AGM will be on Wednesday 23 September from 2-4 pm at the Museum of Carpet in Kidderminster. The entrance to the Museum of Carpet in Kidderminster is at approx 'A' on this map - at the end of the Morrisons building, and next to Green Street. • There are parking spaces on the opposite side of the crossroads in the Council Car Park next to Aldi (carpark by 'B' on the map), with spaces near the corner - google streetview at the crossroads. This car park has free parking available in all spaces for Blue Badge holders. • Also, in the Morrisons car park - further along the Morrrisons building (ie away from Green Street). Morrisons customers can park free for 2½ hours - but beware of fines for longer. Morrisons has a café. • Please read the parking notices in the car parks. (The satellite view via google of the area looks older then the streetview.) 2015.08 BBC Radio Bristol - Living with M.E.
Naomi from Hanham has been living with the condition for 25 years. Sharing experiences of M.E after John Darvall's interview with Naomi from Hanham. Talking to Drs, support groups and people who have the condition. 29 days to listen (from 09/07/2015). Speakers at Pershore meeting on Tuesday 9 June
Jacqui Turvey and Sunita Arabpour will be giving a talk and taster demonstrations of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and MR (Matrix Reimprinting). The meeting will be at Pershore Baptist Church, 2 Broad Street, Pershore, WR10 1AY from 2.00 - 3.00 pm. 2015.06 Please take part in the official Healthwatch online ME/CFS Survey - it closes on the 14th June 2015.
The link says Trafford, but it's for anyone with ME/CFS in England, not just Trafford - from the site: "The survey is being carried out by Healthweatch Trafford, however if you are not a resident of Trafford please continue to fill out the survey and the results will be passed on to your local Healthwatch." Also, you can give information to your local Healthwatch at anytime - Healthwatch Worcestershire is an independent organisation - giving the public, patients and users of health and social care services in Worcestershire a voice. The ME Association has information about this survey. 2015.05 Short video to raise awareness of severe ME
The late Betty Hughes’ grandson Tom Whittingham, has created a very moving ME Awareness YouTube video explaining how things are for his sister Naomi who has severe ME, and their whole family. Tom, who is an Ambassador for ME Research UK is running in the Edinburgh Marathon on 31st May. Link to Tom’s fundraising - 2015.05 Worcestershire ME Support Group’s 2015 M.E. Awareness Event
Saturday, 16 May. 12.30pm - 4.00pm. Join us on the afternoon of Saturday, 16 May, at the Museum of Carpet, Stour Vale Mill, Green Street, Kidderminster, DY10 1AZ. You are welcome from 12.30pm to 4.00pm, at any time that suits you. All people with M.E., CFS, PVFS & FMS, their carers, friends and relatives, are welcome. The entrance to the Museum of Carpet in Kidderminster is at approx 'B' on this map - at the end of the Morrisons building, and next to Green Street. • There are parking spaces on the opposite side of the crossroads in the Council Car Park next to Aldi, with spaces near the corner - streetview at the crossroads. This car park has free parking available in all spaces for Blue Badge holders. • Also, in the Morrisons car park - further along the Morrrisons building (ie away from Green Street). Morrisons customers can park free for 2½ hours - but beware of fines for longer. Morrisons has a café. (The satellite view via google of the area looks older then the streetview.) 2015.04 Next Group Lunch:
The next group lunch will now be on Thursday 26 March from 12:30pm at Little Heath Garden Centre, Lickey End, Bromsgrove - B60 1HY Join members of our Group for lunch, or just a cuppa and chat 2015.03 Health Trainers at Malvern Group meeting and March Group Lunch:
Chris Burton, Senior Health Trainer, has contacted us to say that the new criteria for referral to the service - see this file for details - has been brought in sooner than he expected. All recent referrals to him will have to be "triaged" to see whether they meet these new criteria. In order to do this he is able to attend the following group events: Malvern meeting and the March Group Lunch. Malvern meeting - Thursday 12th March at The Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, WR14 2YF from 2pm-3pm. Group Lunch - Thursday 26th March from 12:30pm at Little Heath Garden Centre - Little Heath Garden Centre, Lickey End, Bromsgrove - B60 1HY. If you have recently made a referral to the Health Trainer service and you are unable to attend one of these events, please contact the Health Trainer Service for further information: 01905 681333 / [email protected] 2015.03 Dr Claire Bowen at March/April Group Meetings
Claire is "a fully qualified medical doctor now working as a Holistic Doctor supporting individuals with chronic illness - particularly M.E. / CFS". Claire contacted the group to offer to talk to us "about relevant elements of my own recovery journey". Claire had "a severe experience of M.E. / CFS during which I was mostly bed-bound and unable to care for myself in my early twenties." Some topics Claire will cover are: practical detoxification, accessible nutrition, improving oxygenation, emotional health, symptom control, stress management and relaxation techniques. Claire has her own practice. You can find more details at: Claire will be visiting the local meetings on the following dates and you are welcome to attend any of these: Droitwich Friday 6th March Worcester Wednesday 11th March - new date - moved FROM April Kidderminster Wednesday 18th March Malvern Thursday 9th April Pershore Tuesday 14th April 2015.03 You may need to amend your March diary!
The group’s lunch will now be on Thursday 26 March (from 12:30pm) – same location.- at Little Heath Garden Centre - Little Heath Garden Centre, Lickey End, Bromsgrove - B60 1HY Join members of our Group for lunch, or just a cuppa and chat 2015.03 Health Trainers talk to Worcester and Malvern Groups:
speaker Christopher Burton Last week we were visited by Christopher Burton, a Senior Health Trainer from the Health Trainer Service. He is the area trainer for Worcester and Malvern. His talk was on Healthy Lifestyles Behaviour Change. He had researched ME/CFS/FMS and his talks were very informative as he related each topic to the needs of people with ME/CFS/FMS. NHS Health Check leaflets and Food and Behaviour diaries were provided. 2015.02 The Institute of Medicine Report - Action for M.E. wants to hear your responses - by Monday 23 February.
The US Institute of Medicine Report (Beyond Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome: redefining an illness, Feb 2015) makes four key recommendations that could have important implications for the way that M.E./CFS is understood, diagnosed, treated and researched. Even though the report was commissioned and published in North America, these changes could have an impact on the UK, too. We await the US government’s response to the report with considerable interest. Send a response by going to the 'get in touch' link on this page. The Institute of Medicine Report page. There are also explanations on the ME Research UK (MERUK), and ME Association (MEA) websites - Info on MERUK website - The Institute of Medicine Report Info on MEA website -Expert US and British opinion on the ‘Name Change’ Report recommendations | 12 February 2015 Info on MEA website -Name change committee report | Comments by Dr Charles Shepherd, medical adviser, February 2015 2015.02 Message from Group Chairman: Can you help the group?
“None of us want to see the group diminish, but we do need more help to continue.” Our Group Chair pleads for more people to offer their support in all areas of Worcestershire, at our recent Annual General Meeting,. Please contact the group, and/or join us at this month’s Group Lunch. Letters from the Chair in the September and July 2014 newsletters (pdf). 2015.01 Monday Night Group - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Monday Night Group donates all their profits to local causes in the Wyre Forest area, - our group has received thousands of pounds in the past. The Monday Night Group pantomime will be a production of Goldilocks and the Three Bears between January 23 and 31 at the Stourport Civic Theatre Hall. 2015.01 ESA Assessments
MAXIMUS Health and Human Services Ltd has been awarded the contract to undertake health-related assessments. The contract will cover a number of assessments including the ESA Work Capability Assessment (WCA), which is currently carried out by Atos. From the Government announcement: "To make sure that there is a seamless transfer from Atos to MAXIMUS most of the Atos assessor healthcare professionals will transfer to MAXIMUS, which will also use the existing Atos infrastructure." See also article in the Guardian. See also Work and Pensions Committee - publications (and Government Responses) - most recent response - dated 27 November 2014 - refers to Maximus. 2015.01 |