Marina Townend - (part time Occupational Therapist and Team Lead)
Helen Ayres - (part time Clinical Psychologist)
Sara Young - (part time Occupational Therapist)
Alice Brixey - (part time Assistant Psychologist)
Kirsti Barnes - (part time Administrator) [amended on 10 April 2016]
Julie Poulsen - (part time Honorary Assistant Psychologist)
Marina Townend - Occupational Therapist and Team Lead, writes to the group, and confirms - In terms of our team, we finally have a full complement again. All of these posts are part-time, with the main provision of our service being Tuesday-Thursday. We continue to cover the whole county and run groups/information sessions at various venues to try to ensure that people have as short a distance as possible to travel to appointments.
We have recently revamped our RAD group to become the Recovery and Management group, based on feedback we received from those attending. It is open to those who have attended the Lifestyle Management Group within the CFS/ME service. The venue has changed to Worcester University, and it now takes place on the last Wednesday of the month, 2-4pm. We have a range of topics/speakers, and we ask that people book onto a session rather than just turn up, as has happened previously. This gives us an idea of numbers but, perhaps more importantly, avoids anyone travelling/ wasting personal resources for no reason if a session had to be cancelled unexpectedly.
The CFS/ME Service can be contacted by phoning 01684 612671, or emailing [email protected]
Worcs CFS ME Service - Marina Townend (Feb 2016) |