Worcestershire M.E. Social Group Awareness Week meeting will not be held due to Covid-19.
Our Group Lunches and Afternoon Café Meetings are being cancelled for the time being, due to Coronavirus (covid-19). This means that unfortunately our Awareness Week Afternoon Café Meeting held during the last few years, will again not be happening this year.
Please watch our meetings page for confirmation when the lunches and afternoon café meetings will resume.
Emma Jefferies, ME Association’s (MEA) Social Media Manager, explains
ME Awareness Day: Let’s all pause to #RememberME – From Midday 12 May 2021.
The ME Association will be focusing on Health and Social Care for ME Awareness Week 2021 (from Monday 10 May) and the pending publication of the NICE clinical guideline on ME/CFS.
However, ME Awareness Day (Wednesday 12 May) is also a time to raise vital awareness and the ME/CFS community has always risen to the challenge online. We are grateful to each, and every one of you who - despite the severity of your illness - fight for our collective voices to be heard.
This year and in future years, we are proposing that from 12 o-clock midday 12 May and into the afternoon, we all pause to #RememberME.
The MEA’s Awareness suggestion - ME Awareness Week:
let’s celebrate as a community but keep it smart – and apart!
This year we’re encouraging everyone taking part to keep our celebration of Florence Nightingale’s birthday smart - and apart. There’s lots you can do to keep the party safe without occupying the same air space. The easiest way for those who can’t get out of the house is to put up photos of yourselves and make personal statements on your social media and Facebook. Get the hashtag #GoBlue4ME trending.
This year - Your Local #MillionsMissing Virtual Event
Go to the #MillionsMissing website for this year’s ‘A Global Campaign for ME Health Equality’.
#MillionsMissing: Register Your Local, Virtual Event. #MillionsMissing has always had a local presence. Local events were a chance for the communities to come together. For some people, this was the first time they met with other people with ME and found a support system. So while the pandemic has led way from in-person events, this year #MEAction wants to provide an opportunity for local communities to gather, virtually.
In previous years, awareness events were held by #MillionsMissing in Birmingham.
Join the Action for ME (AfME) #yearsinlockdown campaign.
As lockdown restrictions ease for many across the country, we are using May’s M.E. Awareness Month to highlight how thousands of people with M.E. live with restrictions every day.
Our aim is to amplify the voices of people with M.E. and those that care for them, and make sure your voices are heard. Join our #yearsinlockdown campaign and help us highlight that lockdown is not over for so many people.
AfME announces - Sunday 16 May 2021: Blue Sunday Tea Party.
Champion fundraiser Anna Redshaw invites everyone to to take part in her brilliant Blue Sunday Tea Party in M.E. Awareness Month, to raise funds for our vital work.
Gloucester Cathedral - the ME Association announced -
Cathedral Tower lit up for ME Awareness Week.
The 225ft tower of Gloucester Cathedral will be lit up blue for ME Awareness Week from May 10 to May 16 - thanks to the pioneering work of Chantelle Parry, founder organiser of Gloucestershire ME/CFS Friendship Group.
See the UK National ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia Organisations. for more M.E. Awareness News.
ME Awareness Day - The Birthday of Florence Nightingale
M.E. Awareness Week was established by patient advocates and is focused on May 12th, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who was believed to have suffered with M.E.
For more 2021 M.E. and FMS Awareness news, go to UK National ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia Organisations.
Take care, and stay safe everyone.