DecodeME - We aim to find genetic causes of why people become ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with our ground-breaking research. Take part from your home.
October 2023 Newsletter update from the DecodeME Study
DecodeME, the world largest genetic study into ME/CFS, are now in the final stage of participant recruitment.
At 5pm on the 15th of November, DecodeME will be closing their registration portal to both new participants and to those who have signed up but not completed their questionnaire.
This is the last opportunity to sign up and be part of the ground breaking DecodeME study. If you haven't already done so, please join those in the ME/CFS community who are doing something extraordinary by taking part.
Participants, who sign up and complete their questionnaire by the 15th of November deadline, and who are invited to participate in the DNA stage of the study, will be sent a spit collection kit. Final deadline for posting these back to DecodeME is the 31st of January 2024.
So, if you, or someone you know, are 16 or older, live in the UK and have a diagnosis of ME/CFS, please do take part now to help us decode ME/CFS at
Thank you for supporting the study,!
Warmest wishes,
DecodeME Partnership
42 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1EH,
Also, see our previous DecodeME articles.
For further background information, including information from Action for ME, The Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, the ME Association, and press articles go to our group’s previous DecodeME blogs These include -
- DecodeME the ME/CFS Study August 2023 Newsletter
- ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership - Genetics Research - DecodeME UPDATE (2 September)
- ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership - Genetics Research
- Biomedical Genetics Research: The ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership
• DecodeME • Research