You can listen to the ME/CFS feature at - - it begins at 2hrs 8mins into the broadcast. It followed the 3pm news and continued until about 3.35pm.
Dr Charles Shepherd, the ME Association Hon. Medical Adviser, was interviewed by presenter Nihal Arthanayake, along with a former university student suffering from severe M.E. The feature also included pre-recorded interviews from Gary Burgess and Merryn Crofts' sister Amy Williams, and feedback from listeners about their experiences.
Around one in four people with M.E. are severely affected by the condition. They are house or bed bound, unable to properly care for themselves or even wash properly, with some even reliant on tube feeding. Many people with M.E are light and sound sensitive, with people with Severe M.E. often forced to live their lives in darkened rooms.
Severe M.E. articles from Action for ME and the ME Association
Action for M.E. highlight their awareness-raising film, My life is over: the pain of severe M.E., explaining what it's like to live with severe M.E. Plus, Emily Collingridge’s book Severe M.E./CFS: a guide to living offers guidance on every aspect of living with severe M.E.
M.E. Association’ press release concentrates on two teenagers hit by devastating severe M.E. who reveal the brutal reality of life with the disease.
The MEA detailed article gives links to
- Daily Mail 'Teenager is left battling chronic fatigue after a parasite burrowed into her EYE: 19-year-old claims the bug was in tap water which ended up on her contact lens and could now kill her'
- Daily Mirror 'Girl’s life ‘ripped to pieces’ after parasite found in tap water burrows into eye where it is now sleeping'