Coronavirus cases in Worcestershire - 25 August 2020
We have seen an increase in cases in Redditch but these are not linked to a workplace or community venue. We are confident that most cases are linked to a single event in a private household and the risk to the wider community is low.
Those who have tested positive are following our advice and self isolating. Others who attended the event have also gone into isolation. We are continuing to trace any additional contacts but the risk to the wider community is low.
This is a reminder to all of us that Covid-19 has not gone away, and it is important that we all continue to wash our hands regularly, wear face coverings where necessary, and keep our distance. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you must arrange a test. Read the latest statement from Dr Kathryn Cobain, Director of Public Health for Worcestershire
Statement on COVID-19 in Redditch
Following an increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Redditch, Rachel Maclean MP issued a statement.
Worcestershire health chief reassures public after coronavirus cases rise
The Worcester News article explained that the director of public health for Worcestershire has said the number of positive coronavirus cases in Worcestershire “remains low” despite an increase in cases in a county town. Dr Kathryn Cobain reassured residents after a sharp rise in cases in Redditch, where 25 new Coronavirus were reported last week, giving the town a higher coronavirus rate per 100,000 people than in Birmingham.
Public Health Worcestershire has issued advice for car sharing - this was publicised by Worcestershire County Council on 20 August 2020
It is advised that you only car share with people in your household, if you must share with someone from outside your household, the advice is as follows:
- share with just one other person from outside your household
- wear face coverings for the duration of the journey
- maximise the distance between driver and passengers (with the passenger sitting in the back on the opposite side from the driver)
- keep windows down when travelling
- clean the car between journeys, particularly wiping down all contact points that people may have touched
Information specifically for people affected by ME/CFS
The MEA Association’s recent Covid-19 leaflets and letters are all available to download,
- 12 page Covid-19 and ME/CFS Weekly Update -
- 4 page MEA information on Reducing the risk of infection - Reducing the risk of catching Coronavirus if you have ME/CFS leaflet by Dr Charles Shepherd.
- 8 page MEA information on PVF / PVFS / ME / CFS following Covid-19 Infection - Post-viral fatigue (PVF) and Post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) following Coronavirus Infection.
- MEA statement, signed by Dr Charles Shepherd, in Letter: Asserting your vulnerable status.
- 4 page MEA detailed leaflet on Benefits - Your Benefits during the Coronavirus Crisis.
- MEA Employment Guidance: Key points on Employment, ME/CFS and the Coronavirus.
Action for ME (AfME) have a 'Coronavirus and M.E./CFS' page - which has been set up to keep track of up-to-date advice regarding Coronavirus, and support available from Action for M.E. AfME are monitoring this page, and it gives the time when it was last updated.
#MEAction continue to add information to their Covid-19 Resources page, giving information about the coronavirus outbreak and its effect on people with ME. It includes links to useful governmental sites regarding the outbreak as well as resources and articles particularly developed for people with ME.
The 25% M.E. Group has leaflets available to download for people with severe M.E. on its website.
- Message from Dr Willy Weir and Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group - Coronavirus Update 7 March
- Message from Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group
Coronavirus and members of the 25% ME Group
Take care, and stay safe everyone.
• 25% M.E. Group • Action for ME • #MEAction • M.E. Association
• Coronavirus (COVID 19)
• Local News • Worcestershire County Council • MP • N.H.S.