This week, the ME Association (MEA) issued an update to their general leaflet on Covid-19 and ME/CFS. This 12 page leaflet is part of a range of leaflets the MEA have made freely available during this unprecedented crisis. The MEA hope they will continue to provide help and reassurance and will keep updating them as necessary.
The detailed leaflet covers -
Controlling the spread of the virus; Hand and Respiratory Hygiene; Vaccine Development; Testing for the virus; What to do if you have symptoms suggestive of coronavirus infection; Shopping - Food and Medicines; Employment Government Guidance: The vulnerable and extremely vulnerable; ME/CFS Research Progress on the new NICE clinical guideline on ME/CFS ; Can pets transmit the infection?; Possible forms of treatment; What should people with ME/CFS do if they catch Cv19?; Face Masks; What should previously healthy people do if they experience symptoms suggestive of post infectious fatigue and/or ME/CFS?; Hospital based referral services for ME/CFS
The MEA’s recent Covid-19 leaflets and letters are all available to download,
- 12 page Covid-19 and ME/CFS Weekly Update -
- 4 page MEA information on Reducing the risk of infection - Reducing the risk of catching Coronavirus if you have ME/CFS leaflet by Dr Charles Shepherd.
- 8 page MEA information on PVF / PVFS / ME / CFS following Covid-19 Infection - Post-viral fatigue (PVF) and Post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) following Coronavirus Infection.
- MEA statement, signed by Dr Charles Shepherd, in Letter: Asserting your vulnerable status.
- 4 page MEA detailed leaflet on Benefits - Your Benefits during the Coronavirus Crisis.
- MEA Employment Guidance: Key points on Employment, ME/CFS and the Coronavirus.
#MEAction continue to add information to their Covid-19 Resources page, giving information about the coronavirus outbreak and its effect on people with ME. It includes links to useful governmental sites regarding the outbreak as well as resources and articles particularly developed for people with ME.
The 25% M.E. Group has leaflets available to download for people with severe M.E. on its website.
- Message from Dr Willy Weir and Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group - Coronavirus Update 7 March
- Message from Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group
Coronavirus and members of the 25% ME Group
Local Information
Worcestershire Health & Care NHS Trust.
COVID19 (coronavirus) - Information if attending an appointment
From Monday, 15th June 2020 if you are coming to any of our hospitals, inpatient wards or clinics it is important that you wear a face covering at all times. The website gives full information.
Healthwatch Worcestershire’s Covid-19 Survey
Healthwatch Worcestershire is asking local residents to share their views during the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. They have launched a survey to gather feedback about information available in relation to Covid-19 and experiences of accessing local health and social care services at this time.
The survey can be completed online via Healthwatch Worcestershire’s website - You can also contact them directly for further information, paper copies of the survey, or to share any experience of local health and social care services [email protected] or 01386 550264.
Healthwatch Worcestershire was established as the independent consumer champion - giving the public, patients and users of health and social care services in Worcestershire a voice.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Control Plan (First issued on 30 June. available on their main Covid-19 page)
As part of the next phase of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Worcestershire County Council is required to produce and deliver a Local Outbreak Control Plan. The plan details how Worcestershire County Council and its partners will prevent and respond to any outbreaks and incidents of COVID-19 in Worcestershire.
To minimize local outbreaks, we need everyone to play their part. By continuing to follow the social distancing guidance, practicing good hand hygiene and testing and isolating when necessary, we can all keep ourselves and everyone safe.
(This section amended on 1 July 2020)
Dr Kathryn Cobain, Director of Public Health in Worcestershire, explains how the R rates are calculated nationally and regionally, and that data is drawn from many official sources and the process is complex and robust. Here in Worcestershire, we fall under the Midlands region for this data, and this includes a very large area, across the East and West Midlands. It is not possible to calculate a meaningful R rate at a very local level, for example in cities such as Worcester. An R rate even at County level would not be a reliable and robust interpretation of the data.
This is because the data gathered is at such low numbers that even a minor change can create a disproportionate difference. Locally we review a multitude of early warning indicators, and look for signs of change. We continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure the safety of our residents.
Take care, and stay safe everyone.