You’re invited to the next DecodeME webinar.
This webinar will be a chance to hear updates about the study's progress and have your questions answered. It’s on Friday 15th March 02:00pm (GMT) on Zoom and Facebook Live.
There are only 500 spots to watch the webinar on Zoom on the day. Don't worry though, if you don't manage to get a place this time (this can happen even if you registered in advance), you can also watch on Facebook live via our Facebook page, or watch the recording when it becomes available on our website.
Friday's webinar will be a chance to hear updates on the project including our recently announced project extension. Join Chris Ponting, Sonya Chowdhury and Andy Devereux-Cooke from the DecodeME team to hear the latest news and what's next for the project. There will also be a Q&A session at the end. Send us your questions ahead of the webinar. If you can’t make the webinar, don’t worry. There will be a recording available afterwards on our website.
For further background information, including information from Action for ME, The Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, the ME Association, and press articles go to our group’s previous • DecodeME blogs These include -
• DecodeME the ME/CFS Study August 2023 Newsletter
• ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership - Genetics Research - DecodeME UPDATE (2 September) ;
• ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership - Genetics Research. ;
• Biomedical Genetics Research: The ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership.
• DecodeME • Research