The first DecodeME webinar Q&A
You can watch the full webinar, or view answers to individual questions here.
On 6 July, over 2,000 people joined our live webinar on Zoom and Facebook. Professor Chris Ponting, Dr Eliana Lacerda, Andy Devereux-Cooke and host Sonya Chowdhury answered questions such as “I registered online, what happens next?”, “How are you identifying people to take part?” and “Can those outside the UK take part?”.
See the DecodeME website to find out how to Get Involved in DecodeME, and read the FAQs, The Science plus the news Updates
At the end of July, the ME Association’s published an in-depth interview with Chris Ponting, lead investigator for DecodeME
Meet The Scientist: Professor Chris Ponting - DecodeME. Professor Ponting took time out from his busy schedule to talk to the ME Association about the DecodeME study that seeks to understand the causes of M.E. In turn, it could help advance the discovery of effective treatments for M.E. which are so desperately needed.
For further background information, including information from Action for ME, The Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, the ME Association, and press articles go to our group’s previous blog ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership - Genetics Research. , and our January blog - Biomedical Genetics Research: The ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership.
• Research • DecodeME