Please encourage your local MP to join the next APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) meeting.
The ME Association announced -
Invite your MP to the Next Meeting of The APPG on M.E.
March 16, 2022
The next meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on M.E. will be the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 29 March 10:00 - 10:30. We'd be really grateful if you could invite your MP to attend. It will be a Zoom meeting and your MP can get further information by emailing Carol Monaghan, MP (Chair of the APPG on M.E.).
In addition to reconstituting the APPG, the AGM will include a discussion on our work plan for the next year in relation to the APPG purpose: to seek to improve health, social care, education, and employment opportunities for M.E. sufferers and encourage biomedical research into the cause and treatment of M.E.
Action for M.E. and The ME Association have agreed to take on the secretariat responsibility for the APPG and will be working to ensure future minutes and announcements are published promptly.
See the ME Association, and Action for ME for suggestions how to approach your local MP.
A reminder -
NICE ME/CFS Guideline Online Talk - 24 March, 2.00 pm
ONLINE TALK with Dr Charles Shepherd: Making the new NICE guideline work for people with ME.
• Action for ME • A.P.P.G • M.E. Association
• MP • N.I.C.E. • Parliament U.K.