The ME Association (MEA) announce that the APPG on ME will be Focusing on Young People when they meet virtually next week.
This meeting will cover issues relating to children and adolescents with ME/CFS - including diagnosis, medical management, education, inappropriate social services interventions. There will be three presentations from:
- Dr Nigel Speight - Consultant Paediatrician and Medical Adviser to The ME Association and TYMES Trust
- Tony Crouch - Paediatric social worker and social work adviser to TYMES Trust, 25% ME Group, Hope 4 ME and Fibro NI.
- A parent of a child with ME
Please email your own MP and ask that they attend this important meeting. Please ask your MP to contact the APPG on ME Chair, Carol Monaghan MP for details on how to join. Contact details for all Worcestershire MPs.
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
Purpose - To seek to improve health, social care, education and employment opportunities for ME sufferers and encourage biomedical research into the cause and treatment of ME.