Carol Monaghan (MP for Glasgow North-West) has re-established a new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on ME.
Biomedical research discussion at the next meeting on Tuesday 3rd March, from 1- 2 pm.
The March APPG on ME meeting will provide an opportunity for MPs to learn about issues and developments in biomedical research and funding through a series of short presentations and a Q&A discussion.
There will several specialist guest speakers who will discuss their research: Professor Julia Newton from Newcastle University, Professor Chris Ponting from the University of Edinburgh and a representative from the UK ME Biobank.
Contact your local MP, and explain how important this meeting is to you.
Action for ME are asking - Will your MP attend the APPG for M.E. in March?
The ME Association and #MEAction give a joint statement, explaining what’s next for the APPG on ME, and giving a list of all MPs who attended the first meeting in January.