The ME Association (MEA) give details -
Invite your MP to join the next meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary on M.E
March 8, 2023
The next meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on M.E. will be the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 21 March 2023 from 3:30pm-4:30pm. In addition to reconstituting the APPG, the AGM will include:
- a one year-on review of the implementation of the new NICE guideline including a presentation from Action for M.E. on the results from a Freedom of Information request regarding the implementation of the revised NICE Guideline responded to by 106 ICB’s and NHS Trusts.
- a discussion of support for those with severe ME
- consideration of our workplan for the coming year.
- Minutes of the AGM will be shared in accordance with APPG rules.
We'd be really grateful if you could invite your MP to attend. Your MP can get further information by emailing Carol Monaghan, MP (Chair of the APPG on M.E.).
Action for M.E. and The ME Association jointly share the secretariat responsibility for the APPG.
Template email included by the MEA., for your use.
At the end of April 2022 our Worcestershire Social Group Blog announced - Decommissioned - ME/CFS Service at Worcestershire Acute Hospital . If this has affected you, or you have any other concerns, this is your opportunity to let your MP know?
Plus recent local news:
Worcestershire NHS ME/CFS Local Services News
The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Herefordshire & Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust webpage was updated in January, with information included on our ME/CFS Local Services webpage update blog.
Plus, we’ve received further information from Marina Townend, Specialist Occupational Therapist/ Team Lead, of the Worcestershire & Herefordshire ME/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post-Covid Syndrome services, updating us on the situation at the Worcestershire NHS ME/CFS Local Services, and responding to our queries.
The new Myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/ chronic fatigue syndrome: diagnosis and management. NICE guideline [NG206] was published in October 2021.
See from our website -
NICE ME/CFS: new Guideline (New downloadable Publications).
NICE ME/CFS: new Guideline (Reactions).
NICE ME/CFS: new Guideline now Published
• Action for ME • A.P.P.G • Hereford • Local News
• M.E. Association • MP • N.H.S. • N.I.C.E.
• Parliament U.K. • Worcestershire