World ME Day Debate lead by Sir Sajid Javid, MP for Bromsgrove, was held on the first day of ME/CFS Awareness Month in Westminster Hall, Houses of Parliament.
ME Research UK (MERUK) gave their report, with explanations, in particular Houses of Parliament procedures..
Westminster Hall debates are held not in the chamber of the House of Commons but elsewhere in the Palace of Westminster and provide the opportunity to debate any issue, ranging from major constitutional questions to areas of particular interest to MPs and their constituents, outside the Parliamentary calendar set by the Government. There is no division to vote on the matter, there is no tabling of amendments and the motion is not binding on the government. Westminster Hall debates do allow MPs to raise issues, receive answers from the relevant government department, and can be key to facilitating good political discourse in Parliament as well as gauging likely supporters and areas of common concern.
It is within this context that Sir Sajid Javid secured a debate on 1st May on the topic “That this House has considered World ME Day.” It was a forum for MPs to bring to the meeting the experiences of their constituents and to press for progress. Ten spoke in the hour long debate with a response being forthcoming from The Minister for Health and Secondary Care (Andrew Stephenson)
Introducing the topic, the former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and impetus behind the Delivery Plan process, reminded MPs that he had a personal connection to the disease as his cousin, “Until the age of 13 … was a happy, healthy teenager. She was academically gifted and a talented netball player. Seven years later, today, her life has completely changed.” Sir Sajid continued
Overall, the debate narrated little new but did confirm that publication of a finalised Delivery Plan is not going to happen soon. The full debate is available to watch on from 16.30.
The ME Association ask -
Westminster Hall Debate: When will the Final Delivery Plan on ME/CFS be published?
May 2, 2024
Sir Sajid Javid hosted a Westminster Hall debate on ME/CFS yesterday. It was called to officially recognise World ME Day on 12 May, but the initial focus from Sir Javid was to raise concerns about when the Delivery Plan on ME/CFS would be published by the Department of Health and Social Care and when we might expext NICE Guideline recommendations to be implemented across the NHS and social care services…
World ME Alliance -
Become a #GlobalVoiceForME on May 12th
This year marks the 55th anniversary since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially acknowledged ME, highlighting the urgency of addressing this global health crisis.
In recent times, the landscape of ME has evolved with COVID-19 triggering a surge in the numbers of individuals affected by ME. Today, we estimate that more than 55 million individuals worldwide are living with the debilitating effects of this condition. Amidst these escalating numbers, member organisations of the World ME Alliance are actively joining forces, amplifying their support for initiatives that seek to address the multifaceted impact of ME on individuals and communities alike.
With your support, we will be a #GlobalVoiceForME.
ME Research UK (MERUK) reported on the recognition of ME in New York.
Recognition of International ME Awareness Day 2024
5 May 2024
The first International ME Awareness Day was marked in 1992 and, since then, International ME Awareness Day has become the focal point for many awareness raising, lobbying, and other M.E. initiatives globally.
The latest moves to mark 12th May have come from state legislatures in the US – California and New York. In particular, New York State whose Senate passed Bill J01564 and narrated
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize official days that are set aside to increase awareness of serious illnesses that affect the lives of citizens of New York State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commemorate the 32nd Anniversary of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day in the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Awareness Day is observed every year on May 12th to support and recognize people with this disease and other chronic immunological and neurological diseases by raising awareness and providing useful information; and
WHEREAS, On May 12, 2024, people from across the world are encouraged to wear blue to raise awareness and show support for people with ME/CFS, their families and caregivers, and researchers who study this disease; …..
WHEREAS, ME/CFS is a tragic, disabling disease which destroys the lives of many patients and imposes a severe toll on their families, friends, and caretakers; and
WHEREAS, It is imperative that there be greater awareness of this serious health condition, and more must be done to increase awareness and funding at the local, State and National levels; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commemorate the 32nd Anniversary of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day in the State of New York.
And, this was followed by Senate Resolution 1565 which further resolved to ”to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 2024, as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month in the State of New York, in conjunction with the observance of International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day”.
Action for ME (AfME) announce -
World ME Day 2024 | Join our call-to-action
May 03, 2024
This World ME Day, we are supporting the World ME Alliance in becoming a #GlobalVoiceForME.
ME is a global health crisis and we must therefore collaborate across the world to combat it. In showing a united stance against ME, sharing research findings, and building much-needed awareness of the condition in every nation, we can create positive change for people affected by ME now, and in the future.
In addition to contacting the UK’s WHO National Counterpart, calling on them to become a #GlobalVoiceForME, we want to ensure that momentum gained from the recent Westminster Hall debate is not lost.
We’re calling the Government to fulfil its moral duty to people with ME through committing to funding more, high-quality research into the condition and releasing the full publication of the cross-Government Delivery Plan as a matter of urgency.
The 25% M.E. Group
ME Awareness 2024 Campaign
ME/CFS and Anaesthesia Factsheet and Podcast
This detailed new information booklet, from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, is a must for anybody with ME who anticipates they may have to have surgery. To make it ME friendly it is downloadable. Please see the 25% ME Group ME Awareness 2024 webpage at
This excellent resource has been created because people with ME had been approaching the Royal College of Anaesthetists about the lack of information around ME and anaesthesia. (25% ME Group and the ME association had also been contacted by members asking for information about anaesthesia.) Based on these requests from patients, a focus group of people with lived experience of ME and having an anaesthetic was set up by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the ME Association to gather patients’ experiences. The focus group was led by Dr Anton Krige, a consultant in Intensive Care and anaesthesia. All severities of ME, including very severe ME, were represented at the focus group and were able to input into this resource.
The Worcestershire M.E. Social Group’s "Symptoms of M.E./CFS” Information Sheet" has been updated. The May 2024 issue is available on our website in the About M.E. section. The recent group announcement includes Symptoms and Awareness news from Action for ME (AfME),, BACME (British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS), ME Research UK (MERUK); and the ME Association.(MEA).
• 25% M.E. Group • Action for ME • M.E. Association • MERUK • MP • Parliament U.K. • Worcestershire M.E. Social Group