CIPP - Bridging the chronic illness community and the disability rights movement. Do you have energy limiting chronic illness (ELCI)? Are you dealing with health condition(s) that cause symptoms such as physical fatigue, mental fatigue and pain, which significantly restrict your day-to-day activities?
Dr Anna Ruddock, Advisor to the CIIP, says
"We are conducting this survey as part of the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (CIIP). The CIIP works to build a collective voice for people with chronic illness so that we are better accounted for and included in society. The aim of this survey is to gather evidence for an inquiry by the UK Parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee into the unequal impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on people with protected characteristics. The Committee will use this evidence to provide recommendations to the UK government. We want to ensure that the impact of Coronavirus on people with chronic illnesses is taken into account during this process.
It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete the survey. You can save your answers when you need to rest and return to the survey later. By completing the survey you are contributing to the effort to make the response to Coronavirus more equitable – thank you."
• Chronic Illness during the Coronavirus Covic-19 Pandemic.
This video is popular with people affected by ME. The comedian, Miranda Hart, says - "If you are bored enough have a listen! I had a few things to share". The part about chronic illness is mainly from around 10:40 onwards. ME is specifically mentioned.
Another 'Chamble’ from Miranda Hart - again includes awareness on chronic illness. During this video, Miranda Hart reads, and discusses "Life in Lockdown: What Matters When All Is Lost" written by Naomi Whittingham. Well worth watching - starts after about 14 minutes. Naomi is the late Betty Hughes' granddaughter
• Short video to raise awareness of severe ME
In 2015, the late Betty Hughes' grandson Tom Whittingham, created a very moving ME Awareness YouTube video explaining how things are for his sister Naomi who has severe ME, and their whole family.
(From 2015 News)