".. .. the government has determined that current measures must remain in place for at least the next 3 weeks".
• ME Association Weekly Update: Coronavirus and ME/CFS - New Leaflet and Letter
This latest MEA update by Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, of the MEA, includes a ME Association 10 page leaflet, and letter, both available for you to download.
This detailed article contains all the key information and guidance that has emerged since the last full MEA website summary on Covid-19 that was published on Tuesday 31st March.
The MEA explain: We have made this update (and all future updates) into a downloadable free leaflet. It can be found in the website shop along with a ‘to whom it may concern’ letter which might be helpful when arguing your case for additional support and help as a vulnerable person. We will also be adding another free leaflet about changes to benefits as soon as possible. Download the latest coronavirus and ME/CFS update as a leaflet
The MEA continue: Judging from feedback to the MEA Facebook page, action is still needed to deal with employers who are not taking measures that help to ensure employees are not working closer than six feet (two metres) apart and are receiving appropriate protective equipment. If you are having problems persuading a medical professional, employer, or supermarket that ME/CFS is a vulnerable illness and deserving of additional consideration you can make use of the new ‘to whom it may concern letter’ on vulnerability. Download the new letter to help make your case for vulnerability
• #MEAction continue to add information to their Covid-19 Resources page, giving information about the coronavirus outbreak and its effect on people with ME. It includes links to useful governmental sites regarding the outbreak as well as resources and articles particularly developed for people with ME.
• Action for ME (AfME) have a 'Coronavirus and M.E./CFS' page - which has been set up to keep track of up-to-date advice regarding Coronavirus, and support available from Action for M.E. AfME are monitoring this page, and it gives the time when it was last updated. AfME are also regularly updating their services, support and useful contacts page with resources that may be helpful.
AfME also draw our attention to scams: Please be aware that scams are among the most prevalent types of crime in the UK, and Coronavirus is creating a perfect environment for fraudsters to thrive. Which? has published a useful article to help you spot scams. Please stay informed and keep yourself safe.
AfME also point out the UK Government’s introduction of three new measures to reduce day-to-day contact between people, and reduce the spread of the infection. This is available on the Government’s "Guidance Staying at home and away from others (social distancing)" - updated 29 March 2020.
• The 25% M.E. Group has leaflets available to download for people with severe M.E. on its website.
- Message from Dr Willy Weir and Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group - Coronavirus Update 7 March
- Message from Dr Nigel Speight, Medical Advisor to the 25% ME Group
Coronavirus and members of the 25% ME Group
Take care, and stay safe everyone.