International May 12th Awareness Day
This year, 2022, marks the 30th anniversary of International May 12th Awareness Day. The idea originated with Thomas Michael Hennessy, Jr., the founder of Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (no longer active). Tom Hennessy was based in the USA but understood that it needed to be an international event; he designated the 12th of May 1992 as the International Awareness Day for the spectrum of illnesses he called Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND).
May 12 was chosen as it coincided with the birth date of Florence Nightingale, the celebrated English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale became chronically ill in her mid-thirties after returning from the Crimean War; the M.E.-like illness often left her bedridden during the last 50 years of her life. You will find a more detailed account in A Short History of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
Make a wish and join in ME Awareness Week 2022
May 8, 2022
ME Awareness Week starts tomorrow, Monday 9th May, and continues through to a fantastic finale on Sunday, 15th May. During the week, we will be asking you to make frequent use of the hashtag #JustOneWish.
It's the thirtieth anniversary of the event and – with Long Covid rampant round the world – the number of people being diagnosed with ME/CFS is growing exponentially day-by-day.
There are said to be 1.7m people in the UK alone who, months after being infected, still have symptoms of Long Covid - which in so many respects looks just like ME/CFS.
Please do something to help the ME Association meet the challenge of supporting these ever-growing numbers now and in the years ahead.
It's not too late to organise your own fundraiser to support us during ME Awareness Week. Download this little leaflet (pdf) which has lots of ideas for easy-to-arrange fundraising events.
Use the hashtag #JustOneWish whenever you can during the week.
The wish is what we have all been crying out for over the years - safe and effective treatments that make people with ME/CFS better.
With our links into the research community, the ME Association is well placed to generate funds that leverage new and promising biomedical research.
In the run-up to the week, we shall be highlighting lots of exciting fundraising going on all round the UK and putting up reminders about the big job of raising awareness of ME/CFS that still remains to be done.
This is your week. It's also the best time of the year to show that you are proud of your achievements and tell the world you're not yet prepared to be forgotten. Please make use of it.
Tony Britton, Fundraising and PR Manager
[email protected] Mob: 07946 760 811
Shaping our future together: our call for a national strategy for M.E.
May 05, 2022
As we approach the World ME Day on 12 May, we launch Action for M.E.’s new five-year strategy, Shaping our future together. We also have a simple-text version. Developed in partnership with people with M.E. of all ages, carers and professionals, it sets out four ambitious outcomes which we believe will help us end the decades of ignorance, injustice and neglect faced by people with M.E.
Sonya Chowdhury, CEO, Action for M.E. says:
We are calling for a national strategy for M.E. led by the UK Government with a clear implementation plan and significant investment. Action for M.E. alongside many from the M.E. community work hard behind the scenes to advocate for people with M.E. at all levels, and we hope that we will soon see a long overdue commitment to end the ignorance, injustice and neglect experienced by children and adults with M.E. We will not stop until this happens.
ME Research UK (MERUK) are publicising -
Blue Sunday- The Tea Party for M.E.
22 April 2022
Anna Redshaw’s ‘Blue Sunday’ Tea Party For M.E. in aid of various ME charities (including ME Research UK) will be held on Sunday 15th May 2022.
As Anna explains
On Sunday 15th May, people from all over the world will meet up online to chat and leave comments on each other’s posts. While doing so they’ll be enjoying tea and cake (or whatever their delicate digestive systems can manage) and donating what they can to M.E. charities and causes.
We are so often excluded from events because our symptoms can make it so difficult for us to leave the house, let alone spend an hour or two at an event. That’s why the Tea Party For M.E. has always had an online/virtual element running alongside any in-person tea parties.
The premise is simple.
- Wear something blue (pyjamas count!)
- Dig out your best cups and saucers
- Bake or buy your favourite cake
- Post a photo of you little tea party set-up to social media
- Invite your family and friends to enjoy tea and cake with you, in person or via video call
- Donate the price you’d pay in a café
- Connect with others online who are doing the same, by commenting on their photos and posts
- Feel a part of the in-person tea party as Anna uploads photos and videos from the event she host every ‘Blue Sunday’.
You can donate to ME Research UK directly via JustGiving.
Last month, we publicised the ME Association’s (MEA) request for news about your local M/CFS Specialist Service and/or Long Covid Clinic.
Since then, we announced that the ME/CFS Service at Worcestershire Acute Hospital had been decommissioned.
How has this affected you? Is there anything you would like to share, either on this website, or with the MEA? Just get in touch
• Action for ME • Coronavirus (COVID 19) • Fundraising
• Local News • M.E. Association • MERUK • N.H.S. Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) • Research • Worcestershire • Worcestershire M.E. Social Group