Have you received or been offered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and/or Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) in the UK since 2007?
The Forward ME group of charities has launched a survey, having been asked by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to gather evidence and experiences.
ME Research UK (MERUK) CEO, Simon Phillips, welcomed the launch of the survey, adding:
As one of the funders of the CBT and GET Patient Survey and as an active member of the Forward-ME Group, ME Research UK encourages all those who have undertaken or were offered CBT or GET in the UK since 2007 to take this opportunity to contribute before the end of January 2019. This will allow Forward-ME to submit the results to NICE for them to use as part of their review of the current Guideline. We will await the results of Oxford Brookes University’s analysis of the results with keen interest.
The ME Association (MEA) explain the deadline:
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is the 31st January 2019, to meet the very narrow time frame set out by NICE.
Unfortunately, this also means that Forward ME do not have the time or capacity to send out/accept paper copies. We will make it very clear to NICE when we submit the report that those unable to complete the survey online, including many severely affected people, have not been able to take part.
The survey is however designed to allow a carer, parent or another person to fill it in on behalf of someone else if they are unable to do this themselves.
Join in discussions on social media groups.
Information from the Worcestershire NHS CFS/ME Local Multi-Disciplinary Team (LMDT): Nice guidelines (2007) suggest that the most effective treatments are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help improve the way you feel about the condition, and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) to gradually build up exercise tolerance and improve fatigue levels. The principles of these therapies underpin the treatment provided by the Worcestershire CFS/ME Service.