Pauline was a survivor from the Royal Free Hospital outbreak in 1955. She was highly articulate, utterly dedicated to the process of informing the public better about ME; and as a Royal Free veteran she carried more authority than the rest of us. In November 2004 the Hereford Support Group included Pauline’s “Personal Account of the outbreak of ME at the Royal Free Hospital” in their newsletter.

A personal account of the outbreak of ME at the Royal Free Hospital |
Pauline was a founder member of the Herefordshire ME/CFS/FMS Group 33 years ago, and part of a team that promoted a set of guidelines to local health authorities on ME. Also, she represented the Herefordshire ME/CFS/FMS Group at NHS Worcestershire and Herefordshire ME/CFS Local Multi-Disciplinary Team (LMDT) steering group meetings, and the West Midlands ME Groups Consortium.
After the publication of the Chief Medical Officers report on M.E/C.F.S. in January 2002, the Guardian described how in 1955, Pauline was working at the Royal Free hospital in London when large numbers of staff were felled by a mysterious illness.
In 2007 Pauline was awarded the Herefordshire Voluntary Action ‘Volunteer of the Year’ Award in appreciation for her work for sufferers nationally and locally, and on a personal basis. This was publicised by the ME Association.
We understand that Pauline’s funeral is on Friday 1st March at Hereford crematorium, 3pm.