How to get involved - the NHS Trust are holding events in Worcester and Bromsgrove, where you can hear what they do now, and give your views on how things could be improved.
- 26 February 2020, 2.00 to 4.00 pm, St Peter’s Baptist Church, Eden Close, Worcester, WR5 3TZ
- 5 March 2020, 2.00 to 4.00 pm, BHI Parkside, Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove, B61 0AZ
For more information or to reserve your place - email [email protected] or call 01905 681495
The Worcestershire Health & Care NHS Trust want local people who have experience of neurological conditions to help them develop a better, more equitable service for future patients and families/carers.
Share this information, and help publicise the Neurology Rehabilitation Care Services future development with their poster (see below).

Worcestershire Health & Care NHS Trust: Help Develop Our Neuro Rehab Services |