Action for ME (AfME) report following the recent APPG on ME meeting
APPG on ME is now formally registered
December 20, 2024
On Tuesday evening, the inaugural meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group was held and we're pleased to announce that the APPG on ME is now formally registered!. Jo Platt MP was unanimously confirmed in appointment as Chair, by the Group.
Following this, a discussion was held on the APPG's purpose and to suggest priorities for the upcoming year, which included relaunching the inquiry into severe ME that the previous APPG was unable to complete, due to the General Election. Members will now need to consider the suggestions and identify next steps.
Speaking following the meeting, Action for ME Chief Executive, Sonya Chowdhury, said:
"I want to start with a thank you to all those who took the time and energy to write to their local MP, encouraging to attend the meeting. Thank you also to all the MPs who have pledged their support to people affected by ME by being a part of this APPG and a special thank you to Jo, for Chairing this group.
I'm really excited by the potential this Group holds to create real change for people with ME and very much look forward to working with them moving forwards."
The full minutes can be viewed, alongside a meeting summary, on the APPG's website.
Action for ME provides the Secretariat to the APPG; this is joint funded by the ME Association
Extract from ME Research UK (MERUK)’s report following the recent APPG on ME meeting.
New All Party Parliamentary Group on ME formed 24 December 2024
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a cross-party group of Members of Parliament and the House of Lords seeking to improve health, social care, education and employment opportunities for people with ME and accelerate biomedical research into the cause and treatment of ME.
draft Minutes of APPG 17 Dec 2024
Forming an All Party Parliamentary Group is not simple but is highly beneficial to a cause to have a forum where legislators and interested parties can meet and act within the seat of government. On 17th December 2024 a new APPG on ME held its inaugural meeting and was subsequently entered on the Register of APPGs. MP Jo Platt was proposed and confirmed as Chair - office bearers being Tessa Munt MP, Lord Offord of Gavel, and Debbie Abrahams MP and members being MPs Bradley Thomas, Louise Jones, Luke Charters, Rachel Maskell and Paul Waugh together with a member of the House of Lords - Baroness Scott of Needham Market.
The MERUK report also gives “Areas of action as recorded in the draft Minutes encompass”.
• Action for ME • A.P.P.G • Government U.K. • M.E. Association
• MERUK • N.H.S.